Governmental audit and accountability in the public sector

The public sector and its governmental three-levels, require professionals with a high training and experience levels in order to allow the render of high quality services, always in strictly compliance with the legal framework assuring independence and objectivity with the purpose to help in the improvement of the public management of the governmental institutions.
We have professionals with wide experience in rendering professional audit, consulting and accounting services to the governmental sector, we also provide consulting services such as review over public accounts at different government levels, including public universities, among others.
Governmental audit
Governmental Audit objective, is the review of certain aspects in the governmental entities, mainly:

  • Financial Audit over reasonableness of entity´s financial figures in compliance with the accounting framework established by the General Law of Governmental Accounting.
  • Budget Audit in connection with the compliance of the budgeted proceeds, cash flow and expenditures, including their classifications on administrative, economic, by expense object and programed function in compliance with relevant budget public policies.
  • Opinion on compliance with the Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services in the Public Sector and with the Law of Public Works (infrastructure) and related Services.
  • Opinion on tax compliance with any tax or social security law, which the entity is subject to.
  • Audits over performance and management processes in order to validate the adequate compliance with internal policies and procedures and with the objectives achievement.
  • Audit in connection with compliance of programs and federal funds as well as proceeds financed by International Financial Organizations (IDB, WB) in order to assure that programs objectives were properly achieved or that resources of federal funds or financed by international financial organizations were effectively incurred in the specific project in compliance with predetermined objectives and  guidelines.

Governmental Audit in Mexico is performed by the Ministry of Public Management (MPM) or by external auditors properly accredited by such Ministry. Our Firm is part of register of the external auditors of the MPM in order to perform governmental audits, fulfilling for that purpose, year by year, with all requirements and with the eligibility profile for rendering such services.
The accountability process is critical in the public sector due its high social and public responsibility. In this regard, our Firm has relevant experience in rendering professional services focused to the following aspects:

  • Support on delivery-reception processes from a former public executive to a new appointed public executive.
  • Specific assessment and documentation of governmental programs through the development of accountability reports known as “White Books” (White Papers). White Books are a significant key element in the accountability and transparency process. Through them, detailed documentation is performed over all relevant matters and elements of a specific governmental program(s), emphasizing the objectives achievement, the proper management of incurred resources in such program as well as the proper compliance with related regulations.